
Artificial Intelligence & Information Analysis


  1. G.Mikrogeorgis, E. Eirinaki, V. Kapralos, A. Koutroulis, K.Lyroudia and I.Pitas, "Diagnosis of vertical root fractures in endodontically treated teeth utilising Digital Subtraction Radiography: a case series report", Australian Endodontic Journal, 286-91, 2018.
  2. A. Christodoulou, G.Mikrogeorgis, T. Vouzara, K. Papachristou, Ch. Angelopoulos, N.Nikolaidis, I.Pitas and K.Lyroudia, "A new methodology for the measurement of the root canal curvature and its 3D modification after instrumentation.", Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 488-92, 2018.


  1. F. Patrona, I. Mademlis, F. Kalaganis, I.Pitas and K.Lyroudia, "Stereoscopic Medical Data Video Quality Issues", Journal of Medical Imaging, pp. 025501 - 025501, 2016.


  1. A. Digka, K.Lyroudia, L. Kubinova, G. Karayannopoulou, I.Marras and I.Pitas, "Computerized Reconstruction of Pulpal Blood Vessels Examined under Confocal Microscope", Balkan Journal of Dental Medicine, pp. 43–49, 2015.
  2. A.Iosifidis, E.Marami, A.Tefas, I.Pitas and K.Lyroudia, "The MOBISERV-AIIA Eating and Drinking multi-view database for vision-based assisted living", Journal of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, pp. 254-273, 2015.


  1. C.Sagonas, I.Marras, I.Kasampalidis, I.Pitas, K.Lyroudia and G.Karagianopoulou, "FISH image analysis using a modified radial basis function network", Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, pp. 30-40, 2013.


  1. I.Marras, N.Nikolaidis, G.Mikrogeorgis, K.Lyroudia and I.Pitas, "A Virtual System for Cavity Preparation in Endodontics", Journal of Dental Education, vol. 72, no. 4, April, 2008.


  1. I.Kasampalidis, I.Pitas and K.Lyroudia, "Conservation of Metal coordinating Residues", Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 123-30, 2007.
  2. Z.Theodosiou, I.Kasampalidis, G.Livanos, M.Zervakis, I.Pitas and K.Lyroudia, "Automated Analysis of FISH and Immunohistochemistry Images: A Review", Cytometry, part 1, vol. 71, pp. 439-450, 2007.
  3. Z.Theodosiou, I.Kasampalidis, G.Karagianopoulou, I.Kostopoulos, M.Bobos, G.Bevilacqua, P.Aretini, A.Starita, K.Lyroudia and I.Pitas, "Evaluation of FISH image analysis system on assessing HER2 amplification in breast carcinoma cases.", Breast, September 20, 2007.


  1. G.Mikrogeorgis, I.Molyvdas, K.Lyroudia, N.Nikolaidis and I.Pitas, "A new methodology for the comparative study of the root canal instrumentation techniques based on digital radiographic image processing and analysis", Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology, vol 101, no 6, pp. 125-131, June, 2006.
  2. A. Digka, K.Lyroudia, T.Jirasek, I.Kasampalidis, G.Karayannopoulou and L.Kubinova, "Visualization of Human Dental Pulp Vasculature by Immunohistochemical and Immunofluorescent Detection of CD34: A Comparative Study", Aust. Endod. J., vol. 32, pp. 101-106, 2006 (the definitive version is available at


  1. F.Raimondo, M.Gavrielides, G.Karayannopoulou, K.Lyroudia, I.Pitas and I.Kostopoulos, "Automated evaluation of Her-2/neu status in breast tissue from fluorescent in situ hybridization images", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing Special Issue on Biomedical Images, vol. 14, no. 9, September, 2005.


  1. K.Lyroudia, G.Mikrogeorgis, Ch.Chatzikallinikidis, E.Kechagias, N.Nikolaidis and I.Pitas, "3-Dimensional Volume Reconstruction of Primmary Teeth and Their Virtual Pulp Cavity Access", Balkan Journal of Stomatology, pp. 134-137, 2004.
  2. G.Mikrogeorgis, K.Lyroudia, I.Molyvdas and N.Nikolaidis, "Digital Radiograph Registration and Subtraction: A Useful Tool for the Evaluation of the Progress of Chronic Apical Periodontitis", Journal of Endodontics, vol. 30, no. 7, July, 2004.


  1. K.Lyroudia, G.Mikrogeorgis, P.Bakaloudi, E.Kechagias, N.Nikolaidis and I.Pitas, "Virtual endodontics: three-dimensional teeth volume representations and their pulp cavity access", Journal of Endodontics, pp.599-602, 2002.
  2. K.Lyroudia, V.Dourou, O.Pantelidou, Th.Lambrianidis and I.Pitas, "Internal root resorption studied by radiography, stereomicroscope, scanning electron microscope, and computerized 3D reconstructive method.", Dental Traumatology, vol. 18 no. 3, pp. 148-15, 2002.


  1. K.Lyroudia, O.Pantelidou, G.Mikrogeorgis, N.Nikopoulos and I.Pitas, "Three-Dimensional Reconstruction: A New Method for the Evaluation of Apical Microleakage", Journal of Endodontics, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 36-38, January, 2000.
  2. K.Lyroudia, O.Pantelidou, G.Mikrogeorgis, Ch.Chatzikallinikidis, N.Nikopoulos and I.Pitas, "The use of 3D computerized reconstruction for the study of coronal microleakage", Int. Endodontic Journal, no. 33, pp. 243-247, 2000.


  1. K.Lyroudia, V.Dourou, A. Digka and I.Pitas, "3D reconstruction of six mandibular canines", Hellenic Dental Journal, no. 9, pp. 63-67, 1999.
  2. K.Lyroudia, G.Pappa and I.Pitas, "Study of the possible anatomical variations of mandibular premolars computerized 3D reconstructions", Hellenic Dental Journal, no. 9, pp. 23-28, 1999.
  3. K.Lyroudia, V.Dourou, G.Pappa and I.Pitas, "3D reconstruction of external and internal morphology of upper and lower incisors", Ododostomatological Progress, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 302-310, 1999.
  4. K.Lyroudia, Ch.Chatzikallinikidis, A.Dinga and I.Pitas, "Mandibular molars,3D reconstruction and configuration of their morphological variations", Stoma, no 27, pp. 281-286, 1999.
  5. K.Lyroudia, G.Mikrogeorgis, N.Nikopoulos, I.Pitas, I.Molyvdas and Th.Lambrianidis, "3D Computer Aided Reconstruction Of Six Teeth with Morphological Abnormalities", Int. Endodontics Journal, pp.32, 281-286, 1999.
  6. G.Mikrogeorgis, K.Lyroudia, N.Nikopoulos, I.Pitas, I.Molyvdas and Th.Lambrianidis, "3D computer-aided reconstruction of six teeth with morphological abnormalities.", International Endodontic Journal, vol. 32 no. 2, pp. 88-93, 1999.


  1. G.Mikrogeorgis, K.Lyroudia, N.Nikopoulos, I.Pitas, I.Molyvdas and Th.Lambrianidis, "3D Computer-aided Reconstruction of Six Teeth with Morphological Abnormalities", Int. Endodontic Journal, 1998.


  1. K.Lyroudia, G.Samakovitis, I.Pitas, Th.Lambrianidis, I.Molyvdas and G.Mikrogeorgis, "3D Reconstruction of Two C-Shape Mandibular Molars", Journal of Endodontics, The American Association of Endodontists, vol. 23, no. 2, February, 1997.
  2. K.Lyroudia, G.Mikrogeorgis, N.Nikopoulos, G.Samakovitis, I.Molyvdas and I.Pitas, "Computerized 3-D Reconstruction of two Double Teeth", Endodontics and Dental Traumatology, vol. 13, pp. 218-22, October, 1997.
  3. K.Lyroudia, G.Mikrogeorgis, N.Nikopoulos, I.Pitas, G.Samakovitis and M.Karanika, "Three-dimensional Computer-aided reconstruction of the morphology of teeth with malformations", Medical Informatics in Europe 1997, pp. 482-486, 1997.
  4. G.Mikrogeorgis, V.Dourou, N.Nikopoulos, K.Lyroudia and I.Pitas, "3D Computer-aided Reconstruction of the Morphology of Seven Upper Premolars", STOMA, vol. 25, March, 1997.
  5. K.Lyroudia, G.Mikrogeorgis, N.Nikopoulos, I.Pitas, G.Samakovitis and M.Karanika, "3D Computer-aided reconstruction of the morphology of teeth with malformations.", Medical Informatics Europe, pp. 482-486, 1997.


  1. K.Lyroudia, N.Nikolaidis, I.Pitas and C.Palakidis, "Three computer methods to reconstruct pulpal blood vessels and nerves", Journal of Endodontics, vol. 21, no. 10, October, 1995.
  2. K.Lyroudia, C.Palakidis, A.Manthos, N.Nikolaidis, I.Pitas and C.Foroglou, "Computerized reconstruction of TEM examined pulpal blood vessels and nerves", Endodontics and Dental Traumatology, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 189-195, 1995.


  1. K.Lyroudia, N.Nikolaidis, I.Pitas, P.Zervas and C.Palakidis, "Computerized three-dimensional reconstruction: a method to study pulpal vessels and nerves", Journal of Endodontics, vol. 19, no. 12, December, 1993.

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