- 2020-2024 AI4Media – A European Excellence Centre for Media, Society and Democracy , H2020, EU.
- 2019-2023 AERIAL-CORE – Aerial Cognitive integrated multi-task Robotic system with Extended operation range and safety, H2020, EU.
- 2017-2019 MULTIDRONE – Multiple drone platform for media production, H2020, EU.
- 2012-2015 IMPART – Intelligent Management Platform for Advanced Real-TimeMedia Processes, FP7, EU.
- 2012-2015 ERASITECHNIS – Media content processing, analysis and synthesis for multimedia data bases of traditional music and dance recordings, YPEPTH.
- 2012-2014 ATLAS – Tourism Planning System,YPEPTH.
- 2012-2016 COST IC1106 – Integrating Biometrics and Forensics for the digital age, COST, EU.
- 2011-2014 3DTVS – 3D TV Content Search, FP7, EU.
- 2009-2012 HERAKLITOS-II – Digital Signal Processing, with emphasis to Music, YPEPTH.
- 2009-2011 Mobiserv – An integrated intelligent home environment for the provision of health, nutrition and mobility services to the elderly
- 2008-2010 i3DPost – Intelligent 3D content extraction and manipulation for film and games (ICT, FP7, CERTH/ITI)
- 2006 CompNeuroPsy – Computational NeuroPsychology
- 2005 Pythagoras II – Effective organization, navigation and information retrieval in multimedia.
- 2004 NM2 – The NM2 project will create a new media genre that will be able for a suitable and interactive manipulation. Within this project, the creation of new production tools for the media industry in order to give the possibility of easy production of the new non-linear media genre, is also engaged.
- 2004 SHARE Enchancement of informatics studies (digital media courses),YPEPTH
Press Release 9/6/2005 (Greek)
Press Release 22/2/2006 (Greek)
- 2004 EPEAEK Enchancement of informatics studies (digital media courses),YPEPTH
- 2004 Hrakleitos Processing multimedia signals,YPEPTH
- 2004 Archimedes -Research Group Support in TEI (EEOT)
- 2004 BioPattern – Computational Intelligence for BioPattern Analysis to Support eHealth, IST
- 2004-2006 BioSec – Biometrics and Security, IST – IP, FP6
- 2004 DELOS – Network of Excellence for Digital Libraries, IST
- 2004 ECRYPT – European Network of Excellence in Cryptology, IST, FP6
- 2004 MUSCLE – Multimedia Understanding through Semantics, Computation and Learning
- 2004-2008 SIMILAR – The European research taskforce creating human- machine interfaces SIMILAR to human-human communication, IST, FP6
- 2004 VISNET – Networked Audiovisual Media Technologies, IST, FP6
- 2003 PENED -Virtual Reality tools for education on natural disasters.
- 2001-2003 WORLDS STUDIO – Innovative Computer Tools and Methods for Virtual 3D Environments Production, IST
- COST275 (The main objective of this Action is to investigate effective methods for the recognition of people over the Internet, based primarily on voice and facial characteristics, in order to facilitate, protect and promote financial and other services over this growing telecommunication medium.)
- COST211 (It is a collaborative research forum facilitating the creation and maintenance in Europe of a high level of expertise in the field of video compression and related activities.)
- 2000- 2002 HYPERGEO, (Easy & friendly access to geographic information for mobile users), IST, EC.
- 2000- CERTIMARK, (Certification for watermarking techniques), IST, EC.
- 2000-2003 MUHCI , (Multimodal Human-Computer Interactive), RTN, EC (Prime Contractor).
- 2000-2003 MOUMIR , (Models for Unified Multimedia Information Retrieval), RTN, EC.
- 2000-2001 3D Image Processing and Virtual Reality in Medicine and Dentistry, GSRT, Greece.
- 1998-2000 INSPECT, (Innovative Signal Processing Exploiting Chaotic Dynamics), LTR-ESPRIT, EC.
- 1997-1999 DANAOS, Actions of improving and organizing studies, YPEPTH.
- 1995-1998 NOBLESSE, (Nonlinear Model-Based Analysis and Description of Images for Multimedia Applications), LTR-ESPRIT, EC.
- 1995-1998 M2VTS, (Multi-modal Verification Techniques for Teleservices and Security Applications), ACTS, EC.
- 1995-1997 OKAPI, (Open Kernel for Access to Protected Interoperable interactive services), ACTS, EC.
- 1995-1997 INSPECT, (Innovative Signal Processing Exploiting Chaotic Dynamics), LTR-ESPRIT, EC.
- 1995-1998 Anthivolon, (Digital processing and archiving of Byzantine icons and mural paintings), GSRT,Greece.
- 1996-1997 Development of Digital Signatures for Multimedia Aplications, GSRT,Greece.
- 1994-1996 MAVI, (Model based analysis of video information), HCM, EC.
- 1993-1995 ACCOPI , (Access control and copyright protection for images), RACE, EC.
- 1993-1995 IMPROVE, (Improving control of patient status in critical care), BIOMED, EC.
- 1992-1995 NAT, (Nonlinear and adaptive digital image processing and computer vision), ESPRIT BRA, EC, (Prime Contractor).
- 1992-1995 DISTIMA, (Stereo TV image coding), RACE, EC.
- 1992-1993 Parallel image sequence processing, GSRT, Greece (Prime investigator).
- 1992-1993 TEMPUS project JEP1766-92, Parallel Computing, EC.
- 1991-1993 Three-dimensional microscopy image reconstruction , GSRT,Greece.
- 1991-1993 Color image processing and analysis, GSRT,Greece (Prime investigator).
- 1991-1992 TEMPUS projects JEP0422-91 and JEP1766-91, Parallel Computing, EC.
- 1990-1991 Parallel color image processing and multichannel signal processing,
ESPRIT PCA, EC, (Member of PCA steering committee, Prime investigator). - 1990 Echographic image processing, AIM, EC.
- 1987-1989 Expert system for seismic image interpretation, GSRT,Greece (Prime investigator).