
Artificial Intelligence & Information Analysis


  1. G. Bouchagiar, V. Mygdalis and I.Pitas, "PRIVACY-SHIELDING AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS FOR NATURAL DISASTER MANAGEMENT (NDM): Targeted Regulation of the use of Autonomous Systems for Natural Disaster Management Goals before the Materialization of the Privacy Harm", European Public Law 29, no. 4 (2023): 355–370, 2023 (© 2023 Kluwer Law International BV, The Netherlands).


  1. V. Mygdalis and I.Pitas, "Hyperspherical class prototypes for adversarial robustness", Pattern Recognition, vol 125, pp 108527, 2022.


  1. I. Karakostas, V. Mygdalis, A.Tefas and I.Pitas, "Occlusion detection and drift-avoidance framework for 2D visual object tracking.", Signal Processing: Image Communication, 116011, 2021.


  1. V. Mygdalis, A.Tefas and I.Pitas, "K-Anonymity-inspired Adversarial Attack and Multiple One-class Classification Defense", Neural Networks, pp. 296-307, 2020.
  2. C. Papaioannidis, V. Mygdalis and I.Pitas, "Domain-Translated 3D Object Pose Estimation", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, pp. 9279-9291, 2020.


  1. V. Mygdalis, A.Tefas and I.Pitas, "Exploiting Multiplex Data Relationships in Support Vector Machines", Pattern Recognition, pp. 70-77, 2019.
  2. I. Mademlis, V. Mygdalis, N.Nikolaidis, M. Montagnuolo, F. Negro, A. Messina and I.Pitas, "High-Level Multiple-UAV Cinematography Tools for Covering Outdoor Events", IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 2019.


  1. V. Mygdalis, A.Iosifidis, A.Tefas and I.Pitas, "Semi-Supervised Subclass Support Vector Data Description for Image and Video Classification", Neurocomputing, pp. 51-61, 2018 (Code).


  1. A.Iosifidis, V. Mygdalis, A.Tefas and I.Pitas, "One-Class Classification based on Extreme Learning and Geometric Class Information", Springer Neural Processing Letters, vol. 45, pp. 577–592, 2017 (Code).


  1. V. Mygdalis, A.Iosifidis, A.Tefas and I.Pitas, "Graph Embedded One-Class Classifiers for media data classification", Pattern Recognition, pp. 585-595, 2016 (Code).

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