
Artificial Intelligence & Information Analysis


  1. C.Kotropoulos, I.Pitas, X.Magnisalis and M.G.Strintzis, "A variant of Learning Vector Quantizer based on the L_2 mean for segmentation of ultrasonic images", Proc. of the IEEE Int. Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 679-682, 1993.
  2. C.Kotropoulos, X.Magnisalis, I.Pitas and M.G.Strintzis, "Signal-adaptive maximum likelihood filtering of ultrasonic speckle", Proc. of the European Conf. on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD '93), pp. 1635-1638, 1993.
  3. S.Malasiotis, N.Nikolaidis, M.G.Strintzis and I.Pitas, "A smoothing algorithm with reliability constraints for image motion field coding", Proc. of the Int. Congress on Communication and Control, August, 1993.
  4. N.Nikolaidis, I.Pitas and M.G.Strintzis, "Combined evaluation of motion and disparity vector fields for stereoscopic sequence coding", Proc. of Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP93), pp. 387-394, 1993.
  5. H.Sahinoglou, S.Malasiotis, N.Nikolaidis, N.Grammalidis, M.G.Strintzis and I.Pitas, "A motion/disparity vector field smoothing algorithm", Proc. of 1993 Picture Coding Symposium, 1993.
  6. D.Tzovaras, M.G.Strintzis, H.Sahinoglou and I.Pitas, "Use of multiresolution techniques for vector field coding in motion and disparity estimation", Proc. of the Int. Congress on Communication and Control, August, 1993.
  7. D.Tzovaras, M.G.Strintzis and I.Pitas, "Multiresolution block matching techniques for motion and disparity estimation", Proc. of 1993 Picture Coding Symposium, 1993.


  1. A.Kanlis, M.G.Strintzis and I.Pitas, "Optimum filters in the construction of pyramid image series", Proc. of Int. Symposium on signals,systems and electronics(ISSSE92), pp. 142-145, 1992.
  2. M.G.Strintzis, X.Magnisalis, C.Kotropoulos, I.Pitas and N.Maglaveras, "Maximum likelihood signal-adaptive filtering of speckle in ultrasound B-mode images", Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conf. (EMBS '92), pp. 1870-1871, November, 1992.
  3. D.Tzovaras, M.G.Strintzis and I.Pitas, "Image coding using nonlinear principal component analysis and vector quantization", Proc. of Int. Symposium on signals,systems and electronics (ISSSE92), pp. 883-886, 1992.


  1. X.Magnisalis, C.Kotropoulos, I.Pitas and M.G.Strintzis, "Use of fractal dimension in signal-adaptive filters for speckle reduction in ultrasound B-mode images", Proc. of the 10th Int. Congress for Medical Informatics (MIE '91), pp. 550-554, 1991.


  1. N.Maglaveras, D.Ziabaras, I.Pitas and M.G.Strintzis, "Parallel solution of multipath wave equation using transputers", Proc. of PCA Ispra Workshop, 1990.


  1. I.Pitas and M.G.Strintzis, "An efficient and systematic technique for the parallel implementation of DFT algorithms", Proc. of the European Signal Processing Conf., pp. 1251-1254, 1986.


  1. I.Pitas and M.G.Strintzis, "Two-dimensional convolution algorithms with the minimal multiplications", Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Signal Processing, pp. 785-788, 1984.


  1. I.Pitas and M.G.Strintzis, "On the computation of two-dimensional DFTs under memory constraints", Proc. of Signal processing II: Theories and Applications, H.W. Schuessler editor, pp. 739-742, 1983.
  2. I.Pitas and M.G.Strintzis, "Algorithms and structures for convolutions over Galois Fields", Proc. of the 9th Conf. on Signal Processing its Applications, pp. 341-345, 1983.
  3. I.Pitas and M.G.Strintzis, "Floating-point error analysis of two efficient algorithms used in the fast computation of two-dimensional DFTs", Proc. of Signal Processing II: Theories and Applications, H.W. Schuessler editor, pp. 219-222, 1983.
  4. I.Pitas and M.G.Strintzis, "Techniques for the parallel implementation of DFT algorithms", Proc. of the 1983 IAESTED Symposium on Measurement and Control, pp. 246-250, 1983.
  5. I.Pitas, M.G.Strintzis, S.Grippas and C.Xerostylides, "Machine classification of ishemic electrocardiograms", Proc. of the IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conf. (MELECON), 1983.
  6. I.Pitas, M.G.Strintzis and N.Maglaveras, "Two-dimensional cubic convolution interpolation in computer tomography", Proc. of the IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conf. (MELECON), 1983.


  1. I.Pitas and M.G.Strintzis, "On the multiplicative complexity of two-dimensional fast convolution algorithms", Proc. of the IEEE Int. Symposium on Information Theory, pp. 129-130, 1982.


  1. I.Pitas and M.G.Strintzis, "In-place computation of the DFT of multi-indexed sequences", Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Signal Processing, pp. 600-613, 1981.

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