
Artificial Intelligence & Information Analysis


  1. I.Marras, N.Nikolaidis and I.Pitas, "Frontal Facial Pose Recognition using a Discriminant Splitting Feature Extraction Procedure", 33rd International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces 2011 (ITI 2011), 2011.
  2. I.Marras, N.Nikolaidis and I.Pitas, "Discriminant Splitting Feature Extraction with Application to View-Independent Object Recognition", European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2011.


  1. E.Zarogianni, I.Marras and N.Nikolaidis, "Using Haptic-based Trajectory Following in 3D Space to Distinguish Between Men and Women", EuroHaptics 2010, 225-230, July, 2010.
  2. C.Cotsaces, I.Marras, N.Tsapanos, N.Nikolaidis and I.Pitas, "Human-centered Video Analysis for Multimedia Postproduction", International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETC) 2010, November, 2010.


  1. R.Cardenes, M.Bach, Y.Chi, I.Marras, R.Luis, P.Cashman, M.Anderson and M.Bultelle, "Multimodal Evaluation for Medical Image Segmentation", Proc. of 12th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP?07), August, 2007.
  2. A. Digka, K.Lyroudia, L.Kubinova, I.Marras, N.Nikolaidis and I.Pitas, "3-D Reconstruction Of Pulpal Blood Vessels By Using Confocal Microscopy", 2nd annual meeting of IADR-Continental European and Israeli Divisions, September, 2007.


  1. I.Marras, L.Papaleontiou, N.Nikolaidis, K.Lyroudia and I.Pitas, "Virtual Dental Patient: A System for Virtual Teeth Drilling", Proc. of 2006 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 06), 2006.
  2. I.Marras, L.Papaleontiou, N.Nikolaidis, K.Lyroudia and I.Pitas, "A Virtual Reality Tooth Drilling Simulator", Proc. of Spring Conference on Computer Graphics 2006, pp. 49-52, 2006.


  1. I.Marras, G.Moschos, K.L.Lyroudia and I.Pitas, "Δημιουργία κεφαλής εικονικού οδοντιατρικού ασθενούς και προσομοίωση τροχισμού των δοντιών του σε περιβάλλον εικονικής πραγματικότητας", Proc. of Πανελλήνιο Οδοντιατρικό Συνέδριο, 2005.

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