- D.Ververidis, I.Kotsia, C.Kotropoulos and I.Pitas, "Multi-modal emotion-related data collection within a virtual earthquake emulator", Proc. Of 6th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 28-30 May, 2008.
- M.Sedaaghi, D.Ververidis and C.Kotropoulos, "Improving speech emotion recognition using adaptive genetic algorithms", Proc. XV European Signal Processing Conf., pp. 2209-2213, 2007.
- M.Sedaaghi, C.Kotropoulos and D.Ververidis, "Using adaptive genetic algorithms to improve speech emotion recognition", Proc. 2007 IEEE Multimedia Signal Processing Conf., pp. 461-464, October 1-3, 2007.
- D.Ververidis and C.Kotropoulos, "Accurate estimate of the cross-validated prediction error variance in Bayes classifiers", Proc. of Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP), pp. 354-359, August 27-29, 2007.
- V.Moschou, D.Ververidis and C.Kotropoulos, "On the variants of the self-organizing map that are based on order statistics", Proc. of Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 2006), pp. 425-434, September, 2006.
- D.Ververidis and C.Kotropoulos, "Fast Sequential Floating Forward Selection applied to emotional speech features estimated on DES and SUSAS data collections", Proc. of European Signal Processing Conf. (EUSIPCO 2006), 4-8 September, 2006.
- M.Haindl, P.Somol, D.Ververidis and C.Kotropoulos, "Feature Selection Based on Mutual Correlation", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, and Applications, vol. 4225, pp. 569-577, November, 2006.
- D.Ververidis and C.Kotropoulos, "Emotional speech classification using Gaussian mixture models", Proc. of 2005 IEEE Int. Symposium Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2005), pp. 2871-2874, May, 2005.
- D.Ververidis and C.Kotropoulos, "Emotional speech classification using gaussian mixture models and the sequential floating forward selection algorithm", Proc. of 2005 IEEE Int. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2005), 6-8 July, 2005.
- D.Ververidis and C.Kotropoulos, "Sequential Forward Feature Selection with Low Computational Cost", Proc. of 8th European Signal Processing Conf., 4-8 September, 2005.
- D.Ververidis and C.Kotropoulos, "Automatic speech classification to five emotional states based on gender information", Proc. XII European Signal Processing Conf., pp. 341-344, September, 2004.
- D.Ververidis, C.Kotropoulos and I.Pitas, "Automatic emotional speech classification", Proc. of ICASSP 2004, vol. I, pp. 593-596, May, 2004.
- D.Ververidis and C.Kotropoulos, "A Review of Emotional Speech Databases", Proc. of 9th Panhellenic Conf. on Informatics (PCI `03), pp. 560-574, 21-23 November, 2003.
- D.Ververidis and C.Kotropoulos, "A State of the Art Review on Emotional Speech Databases", Proc. of 1st Richmedia Conf., pp. 109-119, October, 2003.
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