- A.Xafopoulos, C.Kotropoulos, and I.Pitas, "Language identification of web documents using discrete HMMs", Proc. of the 2nd Hellenic Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (SETN '02), pp. 269-280, April, 2002.
- A.Georgakis, C.Kotropoulos, A.Xafopoulos and I.Pitas, "MM-WEBSOM: A variant of WEBSOM based on order statistics", CD-ROM Proc. of IEEE-EURASIP Workshop Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, June, 2001.
- A.Georgakis, C.Kotropoulos, A.Xafopoulos and I.Pitas, "Document organization and retrieval using self-organizing maps and statistical language modeling", Proc. of Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems, pp. 149-160, July, 2001.
- S.Tsekeridou, C.Kotropoulos, A.Xafopoulos and I.Pitas, "Comparative study of speaker verification techniques based on vector quantization, sphericity models and dynamic time warping", Proc. of European Conf. on Circuit Theory and Design, vol. II, pp. 13-16, August, 2001.
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