
Artificial Intelligence & Information Analysis


  1. I. Tsingalis, N.Vretos, N.Nikolaidis and I.Pitas, "Anthropocentric Descriptors and Description Schemes for Multi-View Video Content", 16th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, 25-28 March, 2012.
  2. N.Vretos, N.Nikolaidis and I.Pitas, "Using the MPEG-7 Audio-Visual Description Profile for 3D Video Content Description", NEM Summit, 16-18 October, 2012.
  3. N.Vretos, N.Nikolaidis and I.Pitas, "The Use of Audio-Visual Description Profile in 3D Video Content Description", 3DTV-Conference, October 15-17, 2012.
  4. I. Tsingalis, N.Vretos, N.Nikolaidis and I.Pitas, "SVM-based Shot Type Classification of Movie Content", Proc. of 9th Mediterranean Electro technical Conference, pp. 104-107, 16-18 October, 2012.
  5. N.Vretos, A.Tefas and I.Pitas, "Facial Expression Recognition with Robust Covariance Estimation and SupporVector Machines", IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, September 24-27, 2012.


  1. N.Vretos, N.Nikolaidis and I.Pitas, "3D Facial Expression Recognition Using Zernike Moments On Depth Images", IEEE International Conference in Image Processing (ICIP2011), September, 2011.
  2. C.Chrysouli, N.Vretos and I.Pitas, "Face Clustering in videos based on Spectral Clustering Techniques", Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR2011), November, 2011.


  1. N.Vretos, N.Nikolaidis and I.Pitas, "A Model Based Facial Expression Recognition Algorithm using the Eigendecomposition of the Gram Matrix", Proc. of Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP 2009), 7-11 November, 2009.
  2. N.Vretos, N.Nikolaidis and I.Pitas, "A Perceptual Hashing Algorithm Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation", Proc. of Int. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2009), June 28 - July 3, 2009.


  1. N.Vretos, V.Solachidis, P.Somol and I.Pitas, "Facial Expression Recognition Using Angle-related Information From Facial Meshes", Proc. EUSIPCO 2008, August 25-29, 2008.


  1. A.Hajdu, C.Giamas, N.Vretos and I.Pitas, "Metadata description of thermal videos for rescue operations", Proc. of Int. Symposium Signals, Circuits, and Systems (ISSCS 2007), 12-13 July, 2007.
  2. N.Vretos, V.Solachidis and I.Pitas, "A Robust Face Clustering Algorithm Based on Mutual Information Using Tracking Information", Proc. of 11th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI'2007), 18-20 May, 2007.
  3. N.Vretos, V.Solachidis and I.Pitas, "A Face Tracker Trajectories Clustering Using Mutual Information", Proc. of Int. Workshop Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP 2007), 1-3 October, 2007.


  1. N.Vretos, V.Solachidis and I.Pitas, "A Mutual Information Based Algorithm for Face Clustering", Proc. of Int. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2006), 9-12 July, 2006.


  1. N.Vretos, V.Solachidis and I.Pitas, "An Anthropocentric Description Scheme For Movies Content Classification And Indexing", Proc. of European Signal Processing Conf. (EUSIPCO 2005), 4-8 September, 2005.
  2. N.Vretos, V.Solachidis and I.Pitas, "An MPEG-7 Based Description Scheme For Video Analysis using Anthropocentric Video Content Descriptors", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Advances in Informatics: 10th Panhellenic Conf. on Informatics, PCI 2005, vol. 3746 / 2005, 11-13 November, 2005.

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