Besides the research and development activities, the group has performed intense theoretical research in the areas of digital signal and image processing. As a result of this research more than 1100 publications have appeared in international scientific journals, books, book chapters and conference proceedings.
- Books:
- I.Pitas and A. N. Venetsanopoulos, “Nonlinear digital filters: Principles and applications”, Kluwer Academic, 1990.
- I. Pitas, “Digital image processing algorithms”, Prentice-Hall, 1993.
- I. Pitas, editor, “Parallel digital image processing algorithms”, J. Wiley, 1993.
- I. Pitas, “Digital Image Processing”, Thessaloniki, 1996, 2010 (in Greek)
- N. Nikolaidis and I. Pitas, “3D Image Processing Algorithms”, J. Wiley, 2000
- I. Pitas, “Digital Image Processing Algorithms and Applications”, J. Wiley, 2000
- C. Kotropoulos and I. Pitas, “Nonlinear Model – Based Image/ Video Processing and Analysis”, J. Wiley 2001
- I. Pitas, “Digital Television and digital video processing”, Thessaloniki 2010 (in Greek)
- 48 book chapters
- 298 papers in refereed international journals
- 751 papers in international conferences