AUTH GreekPolitics Dataset

Artificial Intelligence & Information Analysis

AUTH GreekPolitics Dataset


AUTH has created the “GreekPolitics Dataset” in the context of the “AI4Media” collaborative project, funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. The AUTH GreekPolitics Dataset contains 2,578 tweet IDs from Twitter posts with politically charged content in the Greek language, spanning the period January 2014 – March 2021. Manually annotated ground-truth labels along 4 sentiment dimensions are provided for each tweet: polarity (‘1’ = positive, ‘0’ = neutral, ‘-1’ = negative), figurativeness (‘1’ = figurative, ‘0’ = literal), aggressiveness (‘1’ = aggressive, ‘0’ = non-aggressive) and bias (‘1’ = partisan, ‘0’ = non-partisan).  If one uses any part of these datasets in his/her work, he/she is kindly asked to cite the following paper:

  • E. Patsiouras, I. Koroni, I. Mademlis, I. Pitas, “GreekPolitics: Sentiment Analysis on Greek Politically Charged Tweets”, Proceedings of the EURASIP European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2023.

In order to access the GreekPolitics Dataset created/assembled by Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, please complete and sign this license agreement. Subsequently, email it to Prof. Ioannis Pitas (using “AI4Media – GreekPolitics Tweet Dataset availability” as e-mail subject) so as to receive FTP credentials for downloading.

* NOTE: Having the tweet ID, anyone can access the associated tweet text through the Twitter API. There is a chance that a subset of the GreekPolitics tweets may have been deleted, in the time interval that has passed since the dataset was originally constructed by AUTH.